Monday, October 21, 2013

October Homestead Update

Wow. Crazy month. I started a new job on the 7th, which has taken up significant time for me. It's been great - a continuation of what I had been doing (read: same i dustry, similar work) but is a full time remote gig. So I get to work from home very day.

I used the opportunity of a "fresh start," so to speak, to restructure my routine. Similar to my scythe- in-morning experiment, I am getting out early and doing my farm chores first thing. Unlike that experiment, i'm not getting up at 5:30. I'm actually sleeping now! I'm also incorporating my routine of morning prayers via headphones and a recorded rosary mp3. It's been great.

I now need to use this extra time to prepare for winter. Get more hay cut, build the overwinter sry lot for the sheep, and finish up the final garden prep. I also have to cut some bonfire wood for our annual Thanksgiving fire-n-wine celebration.

The downside to the homestead is tht we STILL have NO eggs from those %#€¥£#% chickens.

So once the routine stabilizes a wee bit, I fully intend to post more often, and to try to make them, ya know, halfway good. :/

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