Monday, February 24, 2014


Actually, TWO cows.

Me, left. Bridget, middle. Brisket, right.
Holy. Freakin. Cow.
Bridget is a registered Jersey cow. She was born in 2011, a few weeks after Thing #3. Brisket is her first calf. He's five months old, and fully, ahem, intact. (We'll be remedying that tomorrow....). We just brought them home late Friday night, so we're all still adjusting.

We named Bridget after St. Bridid of Kildare (a.k.a., St. Bridget of Ireland). She'll help out with our long-term plans SIGNIFICANTLY, and provide us fresh, raw, healthy dairy right away. Brisket is loosely and alliteratively named after his ultimate destination.  :)

Bridget, left, and Brisket, right, snacking on my back yard.
So, yeah. Holy cow. This was definitely an investment and a plan for the future, in that cows will help secure our economic development. We prayerfully weighed the pros and cons of cow ownership, eventually concluding that this is the direction we want our family to go.

So far, so good. My hands ache, my back hurts, I'm exhausted, and there is a bunch of equipment to still put to together..

But I am loving every minute of it.

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